Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Note to My Readers, AKA a Note to Myself

Dear readers,
This note is to inform my patient, consistent 'readers'-actually me, (since I am the primary reader of this blog,) that I will be taking leave from my self appointed post as a blogger of interesting things in the land of Kimchi between the week of the nineteenth to the twenty-sixth. As I will be vacationing in Japan, I will be unable to utilize my time to write anything Korea related. I know how this must come as a great shock to the scores of my global followers that I would actually leave this great nation to partake in sightseeing adventures somewhere else. Despite this, please be confident that I will be back shortly and I will carry on with this historic task of sharing things about life here with you-or to myself.

If you aren't me reading this, then congratulations! You are one of the few. If you are still reading on, then thank you again. If you are now thinking what a terrible narcissist the author is, then you might be right, but bear in mind that I love what I am doing. There are many things that give great pleasure to people, and putting words together to create sentences is one of those things that strangely makes me content. I have played guitar for the last twelve years; and I thought it was something that would give me satisfaction, but I always felt like I was always striving to achieve something. There was never an end. I always felt like I was trying to climb a mountain. If you are always climbing the mountain it kinda sucks the joy out of the whole trip. Anyway, these days guitar is still a great hobby, but with writing, I find it's something I just enjoy doing. It's an enjoyment where once I stop, I find it easy to lose track of time. It's gotten to the point where I am happy wasting away a Friday night simply rambling in my diary about how great Korea is because there are Styrofoam sidewalks. So it's because of this that I am informing my ardent blog readers; but most likely myself. That as kimchi is red, I will undoubtedly will return next week. This is what I like.

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