Friday, February 19, 2010

Something Strange on my Neck

A short while ago I popped outside to pick up a couple of bottles of water from the shop on the corner. I took the necessary February precautions one would take in Warsaw by putting on my thick jacket, scarf,gloves, punctuated by a woolly hat. Even for me, it has almost become a reflex before opening the front door. If you have been living here like me for the last two months you would understand. You see, this winter has brought an incredible amount of snow.

There has been so much of it falling from the sky, that it has been regarded by many as one of the heaviest snowfalls in Warsaw in a generation. I can attest to it as well. Garbage cans have been buried in single evenings, park benches have gone missing, cars have been fishtailing in a manner not unsimilar to automobiles climbing steep mountain passes in the winter, the floors of buses have ceased to be cleaned and are all covered by muddy slop left over from our snow absorbed boots. Despite this unprecedented level of sloshiness, it came as a huge shock to me that when I ventured outside today, I didn't feel snow on my neck, but something at the same time familiar, but completely different-rain. Can you believe it? It seems that the temperature has done something that hasn't happened in a few months around here; gone above zero centigrade. Anyway, it seems like spring is a possibility-even in these parts. Now I just have to find my raincoat.


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